Friday, July 27, 2007

the 1, 2, 3s

the basics of the town are easy....

the bigger your car the less people are likely to violate your driver space. the lower your car, the more likely you are to get bashed (unless you're driving a lamborghini, ferrari etc)

you need a car or you're pretty much stuck. cabs are rare, and you don't take the bus.

you will avoid any and all line-ups if you are not "paid staff". i went for my medical check-up this week. blood test and x-ray to prove i'm not bringing disease into the country. there were well over 100 hundred women in the waiting area, it was embarrassing to have them automatically make way for me to get ahead of the line-up.

your way of dressing defines who you are and how you will be treated.

people are bought.

money grows on trees.

i'm sure i can think of more if i tried hard enough, but that's enough cynicism for one entry.

this week has been interesting, if it wasn't for my boss or the job itself, i'd be on the first flight home. i am a little bit of an outsider. i look like the locals but am far from being one. unless you live it, it's hard to describe and i'm a bit of a sourpuss to get into it today.

the supper i was going to last weekend was great! the restaurant was nice. it was entirely buffet style with a great food variety. they had these super tasty looking lobsters but i couldn't have a bite, alex loves lobster and i can't enjoy it without him. there hasn't been much more activity besides that. there's not much to do, and it's way too hot to be outdoors for longer than 10 minutes at a time.

as for the seems so far away right now but i know i should be taking care of little details. i have no idea what kind of dress i even want, maybe i should try some one? and the lady taking care of invitations has been waiting for me to send potential invite wording. it feels like i have forever to do all this!!


Anonymous said...

OH darling Paris, I love reading your posts. I'm living vicariously through you - enjoying the doctor's appointments, learning about the astronomical grocery prices, driving standards, and the new job.
Tell me - are the Qatari men especially dashing?
I have SO much more I want to ask you - so so much.


Unknown said...

Beautiful blog. I am a fan... totally..

Anonymous said...

You are middle eastern, but you were raised so differently from them, in a different world.
The more wedding stuff you get done ahead of time, the better!

Anonymous said...

Ya Bareeze!
I find you incredibly brave for going out there and at trying out a new country--against all odds, as Phil Collins would sign about.
Despite the difficult things that come with adjusting to a new country and culture, I am sure you will succeed and soon learn to see the beauty of the place you're in--whether people or places. Big bisous to you!

Anonymous said...

I am had no idea Phil Collins was deaf and signed things... of course, I meant sing...

charmaine said...

Annik is right. After all, you soon glimpsed the beauty of Cairo underneath all the grime. I'm sure you'll find the magic in Doha. How great is your new job?

charmaine said...

I'm sitting at home in Toronto, about to turn on So You Think You Can Dance, and I just saw a commercial on the BBC for The Pearl. (I know that's not the most exciting story, but it made me think of you, so I thought I'd say hello)

hugs :-)

Bride-to-Be said...

cheryl...the qatari men are anything BUT dashing. seriously. next question please. :)

behnood...thank you for the lovely comment.

deb...when did you decide for YOUR wedding date?

annik...the beauty is hard to see when the sun is blinding.

charmina...what do you think of the pearl. i'm so jealous you get to see so you think you can dance. all i get are shows from three seasons ago.