Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh Doha…how I hate thee

At least not fully, but most of the time…allow me to count the ways.

Your unpredictable traffic and horrendous drivers allow me to reach a level of insanity I have never felt before. I wonder how your residents survive. Oh right. Your residents are few and far between…there are as angry as I am but lucky for them, they either drive million-dollar sport cars that let them slip through traffic and speed away or giant land cruisers which allow them to run the rest of us over.

Every day my shock for your lack of respect for life is renewed. To read “Labor Camp Available” or “Vacant Labor Camp” in daily classified adds and know they refer to rooms used by ill-paid and ill-treated workers turns my stomach. To justify it by saying these people have it better then they would back in their own countries makes it even worse. Doha!? Who are you to judge? How do you live in your luxuries knowing someone’s back broke under your weight? If workers are needed then treat them with dignity and respect and do not rob them blind because they are too desperate or incapable of fighting for their rights!

I look forward to the day when you don’t require exit permits. I look forward to the day when I don't live with the reality that my employer can approve my weekend trips out of town. I look forward to the day when I can count on transparency and honesty within corporations. But even more so, I look forward to being appreciated for what I do because quite frankly, no one I have met is qualified in the same way that I am. That goes for all the other expats who are gracing your shores. Your own population is decades away from being educated enough to run anything in a self-sufficient manner and the people you have outsourced are clearly favors towards certain countrymen. Tax-free living isn’t enough recognition. You are lucky that so many of us are challenged in our jobs enough to stay. Your lack of local labor allows us to move ahead much faster. A perk. Few and far between.

I wish you would let us tell you all these things openly. Things would get better if we could stop tiptoeing around the truth. We all know what’s wrong and wish you’d admit that you do too. This love and hate relationship could end and we would all sing your praises. People are already interested in you; imagine how many would support you if they knew of your kindness and generosity?

Sometimes I wonder what makes me stay. Family, friends, social life, freedom of thought and speech. How do I live without those realities? I am angry with myself for not being able to answer that. I’m taking the easy way out and saying that a few months out of life will only make me stronger. I will come out at the other end with a stronger CV and an even more solid work experience. I wish my wallet could have been as packed as I thought it would be.


charmaine said...

Hang in there, Paris. On the bright side, at least you're not living with the scary people. You'll know what I mean by that soon enough...

Anonymous said...

WOW baby, im at a loss for words... I'm sorry and a part of me wants to tell you drop everything and come home, home where people love and appreciate you... all i can say is be strong, but not to the point of losing your identity...

Nadine said...

Hey Paris - long time no speak - that was a great post. And I hear your words echo some of my experiences as an expat in the Cayman Islands... what made it worthwhile for me were all the amazing relationships I built and the friendships I made, and that's a big part of what would make me go back. Otherwise I could not have tolerated five years there.

And as great as the lifestyle was over there, I was always aware that I was one of the lucky ones, not one of the Philipino workers crammed ten to a room, living on barely anything at all and savign everything they could to send back to their families... As long as you remember you're one of the lucky ones who gets to choose, then your conscience is safe.

Missed you, and sorry for my long absence from the blgosphere!

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Nadine said...

Hey you... I've just tagged you! Use it as an excuse to jump start your blog again! Check out my entry today for details...