Thursday, May 22, 2008

Been Tagged

i've been off of this baby for a while...mainly because the three people who read this site, i have direct contact of them though still thinks i should keep this going, so she tagged me (check her out at

back to the tagging rules:

1) Pick up the nearest book.

2) Turn to page 123, find the fifth sentence and post the next three.

I'm at work right now and i have three books stacked to my right. the AP Stylebook. Marhaba - which is sort of the like the local lonely planet guidebook. and The New Earth. i'll pick the last one as it is likely the one that will be most interesting - or just gives me an excuse to flip ahead and see what's coming up.

When you give little or no help to others or put obstacles in their path, the universe - in the form of people and circumstances - gives little or no help to you because you have cut yourself off from the whole. The ego's unconscious core feeling of "not enough" causes it to react to someone else's success as if that success had taken away from "me". It doesn't know that your resentment of another person's success curtails your own chances of success. In order to attract success, you need to welcome it wherever you see it. i added an extra sentence in there for good measure. i think it capped it nicely, don't you? new age crap to some, spiritual enlightenment to others. i'm just starting the book and it's really taking me longer than i thought to finish. i find myself re-reading passages to get its depth.

i guess i have to tag people too now...but i don't know other bloggers besides great friend, AND BRIDESMAID who's working towards her PhD. brilliant girl who's gonna bring peace to the middle east.